2025 Menomonee River Area Wild Ones (WO) Programs
Events Archive: 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | Upcoming Events
January 2023
Native Landscaping for Birds with Mariette Nowak
Public Welcome Chapter Meeting
Learn how to increase the variety of birds in your yard by growing native plants offering birds their natural habitat and a yearlong smorgasbord of berries, nuts, seeds and insects. Gardeners and native plant enthusiasts can play a vital role in restoring & preserving native communities that support not only birds, but also other wildlife including butterflies, bees, and bats. Discover, too, how native plants capture carbon, reducing the devastating effects of climate change on birds, as well as we on ourselves.
February 2023
Keystone Plants Oaks with Mike Yanny
Public Welcome Family-Friendly Free Event Chapter Meeting Program/Speaker Presentation Wheelchair Accessible Public Restroom Free Public Parking
We welcome back long time Wild Ones favorite, Mike Yanny. Mike is a horticulturist formerly with the native plant division at Johnson’s Nursery and now owner of JN Plant Selections. Mike’s whimsical view of the native plant world manifests itself in important information presented in a unique way. You will enjoy his stories, poems and jokes in his discussion of the stately king of keystone tree species, the “Oaks”.
This presentation is free and open to the public, bring your neighbors, friends and family!
March 2023
Wisconsin's Rare Plants: Conservation and Monitoring by Kevin Doyle, WI DNR
Public Welcome Chapter Meeting
Kevin Doyle is a botanist with the DNR's Bureau of Natural Heritage Conservation. He also coordinates the Rare Plant Monitoring Program, which is a citizen science program aimed at training volunteers to search for and record data on rare plants. This talk will focus on the ecology and biology of Wisconsin's rare plants, as well as how people can get involved and how volunteer data are used in rare plant conservation.
Zoom Meeting Link:
April 2023
Phenology presented by Gary Britton Brookfield Public Library
Public Welcome Chapter Meeting Program/Speaker Presentation Wheelchair Accessible Public Restroom Free Public Parking Drinking Fountains
Benefits and phenology of native flora: a multi-year project. Gary will show photos of native flowers, shrubs and the wildlife they attract. He will then describe, and share observational data from, the blooming times of over 100 species in his yard near Slinger. The data has been collected weekly from April through October over the last nine years.
May 2023
Tour: Lisa Oddis's Woodland Restoration Members Only
Menomonee Falls , WI
Members Only Chapter Meeting Home/Private Garden Tour
Lisa welcomes members to her woodland yard in Menomonee Falls. She can show spring blooming native plants as well as invasive removal techniques. Paths through the yard are a little steep but a viewing area from her deck is available for those with limited mobility. Parking is limited car pooling is suggested.
June 2023
Tour: Judy Newman's Menomonee Falls Yard Members Only
Menomonee Falls, WI
Members Only Home/Private Garden Tour
Judy describes her suburban yard as ”informal but not messy.” The yard contains three distinct native habitats: a woodland, a prairie, and a rain garden, with over 90 species of native plants. Judy’s other passions are teaching, working at the Elmbrook Nature Center, Old World Wisconsin and propagating and landscaping for Habitat for Humanity.
This is a members-only event. Please RSVP and we will email the address and parking information.
July 2023
Tour: Gary Britton's Prairie Restoration Members Only
Slinger, WI
Members Only Family-Friendly Free Event Chapter Meeting Home/Private Garden Tour
Prairie flowers in mid-summer bloom. This yard tour will feature approximately 35-40 prairie species in full summer bloom, a small rain garden in full sun, and a backyard woodland garden growing beneath a single oak tree.
August 2023
Tour: Ray and Kathy Knoeppel's Hillside Prairie Members Only
Town of Merton, WI
Members Only Family-Friendly Free Event Chapter Meeting Home/Private Garden Tour
As you approach the Knoeppel property, you'll enjoy a beautiful view of the prairie on a hill below their home. On site, members will be able to compare an established prairie with a newly planted one. The hillside in front of the house has two prairie plantings. The original prairie was established approximately 20 years ago by seed in in this 3/4 acre. The second prairie was planted in fall 2018 and is approximately 1.5 acres.
September 2023
Tour: Carolyn and Rick Larkin's Wet Mesic Prairie Members Only
Pewaukee, WI
Members Only Free Event Chapter Meeting Home/Private Garden Tour
The couple welcomes members to their 22 acres of wet mesic prairie restoration and remnant prairie fen. Work on restoration, buckthorn and honeysuckle and other invasive removal has been ongoing for 20 years. Paths are flat but maybe wet approximately a half mile of walking.
October 2023
"Creating and Managing Landscapes for Native Bees" with Heather Holm
Hosted by Wild Ones NationalOnline/Virtual
Public Welcome Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation
Join Wild Ones Honorary Director Heather Holm as she explores the nesting habitats, life cycles, pollen collection, brood rearing, and general characteristics of some of the most common native bees in eastern North America, while highlighting the pollination of native plants and the mutualism between native plants and native bees.
When creating and managing thriving habitats for native bees, many factors such as seasonal phenology, nesting strategies, and flower preferences must be considered—and with approximately 3,600 species in North America (north of Mexico), there are many unique aspects to keep in mind when managing successful landscapes for bees.
Tour: Seed Harvesting and Tour with Mary Jane Swedberg Members Only
Oconomowoc, WI
Members Only Chapter Meeting Home/Private Garden Tour Seed Handling Seed/Plant Share
Seed collection and tour of this 40 acre property in Oconomowoc.
November 2023
"The Gardener's Guide to Prairie Plants" with Neil Diboll and Hilary Cox
Hosted by Wild Ones NationalOnline/Virtual
Public Welcome Recording Available Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation
Join us for an enlightening webinar featuring authors, Neil Diboll and Hilary Cox, as they present their latest book, "The Gardener’s Guide to Prairie Plants." This comprehensive compendium is a treasure trove of knowledge for gardeners looking to incorporate native prairie plants into their landscapes. Neil and Hilary will delve into the making and application of this essential guide, sharing rich historical and ecological insights about prairie ecosystems, all while showcasing stunning images of prairie flora.
Native Seed and Treat Exchange Annual Meeting Members Only
Members Only Chapter Meeting Chapter Annual Meeting Seed/Plant Share Wheelchair Accessible Public Restroom Free Public Parking Drinking Fountains
Annual Seed and Treat Exchange. Bring your local native seeds with name and location of seeds in envelops or paper bags to exchange. Bring a food treat to exchange and enjoy. Bring envelops or paper bags to take seeds home if you have none to exchange. We will also have a short annual meeting to elect officers at 10:30 AM. This is a members only event.